Get your message out everywhere, with a single solution. With all the necessary tools to orchestrate integrated, cross-media campaigns, our platform allows you to communicate with Targets using consistent, complementary messaging across email, web, mobile, social media, print, and more.

Direct Mail Marketing

Our platform makes it easy for you to send highly personalized Direct Mail communications to your Targets – with the same customization and personalization technology we have available on Landing Pages and Emails. Leverage your database to create effective messages – then use our tracking and analytics to gauge effectiveness.

  • Web-to-Print (and back again)
    Use our new Print templates to create compelling offers that drive offline traffic to Personalized URLs, QR codes – helping you create personalized cross-channel engagement.
  • IMB Postal Tracking
    Take the mystery out of postal delivery with real-time postal tracking for first-class and bulk mail within the United States. With summary reports and an interactive map with a real-time breakdown of delivery rates, you will never stay up nights worrying about the results of your direct mail programs. Learn More


Our Platform is a full self-service solution for marketing programs aimed across channels – but Email remains one of the most reliable ways to stay in touch with your Targets and engage them regularly. Featuring a robust, best-in-class delivery system and permission-based rules, our email marketing capabilities ensure your marketing programs will help foster strong, lifetime relationships.

  • Personalize Emails
    Personalization isn’t just for landing pages. With our powerful WYSIWYG Email Designer tool, you can effortlessly craft highly personalized, effective email messages to send to your Targets. Learn More
  • Template Gallery
    With hundreds of ready-made, customizable Email templates available at no extra charge, you will never be short on ideas. And, with our powerful WYSIWYG Email Designer, you can compose an eye-popping email in minutes…so you probably won’t be short on time, either.
  • Variable Text and Rich Media Content
    Leverage what you know about your Targets to create customized, personalized messaging that vary depending on who is seeing it.
  • Email Campaign Analytics
    With powerful campaign management tools and real-time analytics that track delivery, opens, clicks and more, you will always have a handle on how your campaign is doing.

Mobile Marketing

Reach Targets through their mobile handsets and tablets while they are on-the-go with Dynamic Mobile Landing pages, QR Codes, SMS messages, and more – and then adapt and refine your messaging as you accumulate results.

  • Tools to Create Mobile Assets
    Leverage the same powerful WYSIWYG tools available for Landing Pages to create stunning, personalized Mobile Landing Pages and optimized emails.
  • Build it Once, Reach All Devices
    We have performed all of the platform-specific modifications, so you don’t have to. Create your assets once, and instantly reach a variety of mobile devices and platforms.
  • Mobile Metrics
    See how Targets interact with your mobile Campaigns with detailed analytics and reporting. See what mobile site elements they are engaging with, how they are interacting with it, to help determine what’s working and what’s not.

Personalized Social Marketing

Work Social Media into your marketing mix and reach not only your Targets – but potentially their friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter as well. Track the performance of your social campaigns and track referral awards as you leverage the power of the marketing world’s most fascinating new channel.

  • A PURL for Friends and Followers
    Reach your Targets through social media channels with sharable personalized content. That when activated that when shared, is personalized for anyone in that Target’s social graph.
  • Referral Performance
    See which Targets are referring their Friends and Followers — and who those Friends and Followers are. Track both to recognize referrals and see how effectively your social campaigns generate customer relationships.
  • Social Segmentation
    Segment your Targets based on their interaction with your social campaigns and single out your influencers for referral awards or other marketing programs.